We ensure the safety and protection of all vulnerable people (adults at risk and children) in our care through the safeguarding policy. Vulnerable people have a right to be safe and adults have a responsibility to protect them.
All employees and volunteers need to be clear on the recording and reporting of safeguarding concerns, how these concerns will be taken forward within a clear sharing information network and the role of other agencies. It is important to remember that everyone has a duty of care and all employees and volunteers who either work directly or come in to contact with vulnerable people have a part to play in helping to keep them safe and to promote their welfare.
Enable Jersey will ensure the safety and protection of all vulnerable people in its care through the Safeguarding Policy.
Vulnerable people include adults at risk and children. A child is anyone under the age of 18. An adult at risk is any adult aged 18 or over, who is in receipt of or may be eligible for community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.
Vulnerable people have a right to be safe and adults have a responsibility to protect them. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 sets out how organisations should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and the Children Act 2004. The Children (Jersey) Law 2002 provides the legislative framework for protecting children in Jersey. It is built on the foundations of Children Act 1989 (England and Wales) and subsequent amendments and guidance. Procedures for responding to abuse of adults at risk in Jersey are not underpinned by a specific legislative framework. Nevertheless a range of legal remedies and policies exists which are relevant to the protection of adults at risk from abuse and harm. The Jersey Safeguarding Adult Partnership Board Procedures provide specific details.
Enable Jersey has a duty of care and is committed to safeguard all vulnerable people involved in its activities by providing:
∞ clear safeguarding procedures, accountability and appropriate training for all employees and volunteers
∞ robust recruitment procedures to ensure there are no known reasons or information available that would prevent employees or volunteers from working with vulnerable people
∞ an induction programme and probationary period for all new employees and volunteers, including the dissemination of the safeguarding policy
∞ a procedure for the reporting of safeguarding concerns
∞ awareness of good practice to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all service users
∞ a procedure for monitoring the impact of the safeguarding policy and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and the Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Boards
∞ ongoing support for employees and volunteers through regular training
∞ a process for dealing with allegations of abuse against employees and volunteers
All employees and volunteers must have a clear understanding of their own role and responsibilities with regard to safeguarding vulnerable people but also the role of others in the organisation. All employees and volunteers need to be clear on the recording and reporting of safeguarding concerns, how these concerns will be taken forward within a clear sharing information framework and the role of other agencies.
It is important to remember that everyone has a duty of care and all employees and volunteers who either work directly or come in to contact with vulnerable people have a part to play in helping to keep them safe and to promote their welfare.
Procedures for the recruitment of employees and volunteers are essential to protect vulnerable people. Employees and volunteers will be made aware of the Safeguarding Policy in their induction.
In addition to safe recruitment, the safeguarding process includes training after recruitment to help employees and volunteers:
∞ recognise their responsibilities and report any concerns about suspected poor practice or possible abuse
∞ respond to safeguarding concerns
∞ work safely and eff ectively with vulnerable people
∞ ensure their practice is not likely to result in allegations being made
It is possible to reduce situations in which abuse can occur and help protect employees and volunteers by promoting good practice. There is a need to be responsive to a vulnerable person’s reactions. If a vulnerable person is dependent on employees or volunteers, the employee or volunteer should talk with them about what they are doing and give choices where possible. This is particularly the case if it involves any dressing or undressing of outer clothing or where there is physical contact, lifting or assisting a vulnerable person to carry out particular activities. Employees and volunteers should avoid taking on the responsibility for tasks for which they are not appropriately trained.
Enable Jersey’s Code of Conduct for Employees and Volunteers gives further guidance to help you ensure that:
∞ the welfare of the children and/or young people and/or vulnerable adults for whom you have a duty of care is safeguarded
∞ you avoid compromising situations or opportunities for misunderstandings or allegations
Abuse is a form of maltreatment of a vulnerable person. Somebody may abuse a vulnerable person by infl icting harm, or by failing to act to prevent harm. Vulnerable people may be abused in a family, institutional or community setting, by those known to them or by a stranger. They may be abused by an adult(s) or another child/children.
There are many diff erent indicators of abuse including behavioural, emotional and physical. The key indicators are listed in Appendix C. This list is not exhaustive and the presence of one or more of these indicators is not proof that abuse is actually taking place. It is important to consider the impact of diff erence and diversity as these issues can make it harder to identify if a vulnerable person is being abused. It can also be difficult to identify abuse amongst certain high-risk groups.
It is not the responsibility of those working or volunteering for Enable Jersey to decide if abuse of a vulnerable person is occurring but it is their responsibility to act on concerns, and notify the appropriate person or organisation.
∞ Both physical and behavioural signs are important
∞ There may be reasons other than abuse which could explain a vulnerable person’s symptoms
∞ Always consider the age, stage of development and your knowledge of that vulnerable person as an individual
∞ Attitudes of parents and carers are crucial; think about how they behave towards the vulnerable person
∞ Consider the whole context of a vulnerable person’s life. Are they being bullied? What is happening at home? Domestic violence, alcohol or drug abuse, parental mental illness, bereavement or family crisis?
∞ Children and adults with disabilities are especially vulnerable and signs in them may be difficult to detect
∞ Different cultural, class or individual attitudes must not cloud our judgement about whether a vulnerable person is being abused and the decisions we take
Sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where the young person (or third person/s) receive ‘something’ (e.g. food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of them performing and/or another or others performing on them, sexual activities.
Child Sexual Exploitation can occur through the use of technology without the child’s immediate recognition; for example, being persuaded to post images on the internet/mobile phones without immediate payment or gain.
In all cases, those exploiting the child/young person have power over them by virtue of their age/gender/intellect/physical strength/economic situation or other resources.
Violence, coercion and intimidation are common, involvement in exploitative relationships being characterised in the main by the child or young person’s limited availability of choice as a result of their social, economic or emotional vulnerability. Perpetrators of child sexual exploitation come from all ages and backgrounds and both sexes, although the majority are men. Children may be sexually exploited by an individual, or by a group of people connected through formal networks (ie through trade, business or other community networks) or more informal friendship groups. Children are also sexually exploited by gangs with criminal associations. In these cases, the gang may benefit financially from the sexual exploitation.
Spotting the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation:
∞ The child may become especially secretive and stop engaging with usual friends
∞ They may be associating with, or develop a sexual relationship with older men and/or women (although bear in mind that the perpetrators could approach the child through a peer from school who is already being exploited, or through the youngest member of the grooming network)
∞ They may go missing from home – and be defensive about their location and activities, often returning home late or staying out all night
∞ They may receive odd calls and messages on their mobiles or social media pages from unknown, possibly much older associates from outside their normal social network
∞ They may be in possession of new, expensive items which they couldn’t normally afford, such as mobile phones, iPods or jewellery
The child may also:
∞ Exhibit a sudden change in dressing patterns or musical taste
∞ Look tired and/or unwell, and sleep at unusual hours
∞ Have marks or scars on their body which they try to conceal
∞ Adopt new ‘street language’ or respond to a new street name
If you are worried about a child exhibiting any of these signs, talk through your concerns using the same process for any safeguarding issue.
It is important to recognise that in some cases of abuse, it is not always an adult abusing a vulnerable person. It can occur that the abuser may be a young person, for example in the case of bullying. Bullying can be defined as: “Persistent, offensive or intimidating behaviour arising from the deliberate intent to cause physical or psychological distress to others”.
∞ Bullying can include physical abuse (e.g. pushing, hitting, kicking, pinching,);
∞ Verbal abuse (e.g. name-calling, spreading rumours, constant teasing and sarcasm);
∞ Emotional abuse (e.g. tormenting, ridiculing, text messaging, humiliating and ignoring);
∞ Racist abuse (e.g. taunts, graffi ti and gestures);
∞ Sexual abuse (e.g. unwanted physical contact or abusive comments).
There are a number of signs that may indicate that a vulnerable person is being bullied:
∞ Behavioural changes such as reduced concentration and/or becoming withdrawn, clingy, depressed, tearful, emotional
∞ A drop off in level of performance
∞ Physical signs such as stomach aches, headaches, scratching and bruising, damaged clothes and bingeing on food
∞ A shortage of money or frequent loss of possessions
a) Dealing with suspected bullying towards a vulnerable person
All signs of bullying should be treated seriously. If circumstances lead an employee or volunteer to suspect that a vulnerable person is being bullied, the following action should be taken:
∞ Investigate the circumstances and take action to ensure the victim is safe. Speak with the victim and the alleged bully/bullies separately
∞ Reassure the victim that you can be trusted and will help, but you cannot promise to tell no one else
∞ Keep records of what happened, what was said by whom and when
∞ Report concerns to the person in charge of the session
b) Dealing with suspected bullying from a child
If circumstances lead an employee or volunteer to suspect that a child is bullying another child or person, the following action should be taken:
∞ Investigate the circumstances
∞ Talk with the alleged bully, explain the situation, and try to get the alleged bully to understand the consequences of his or her behaviour. Seek an apology to the victim
∞ Inform the alleged bully’s parents
∞ Provide support for victims of bullying
∞ Impose appropriate sanctions if necessary
∞ Encourage and support the alleged bully to change behaviour
∞ Inform the designated person of action taken
∞ Keep a written record of action taken
It is not the responsibility of employees or volunteers to decide whether or not abuse is taking place but it is their responsibility to act on concerns, and notify the appropriate person or organisation. If a vulnerable person says or indicates that they are being abused or information is obtained which gives concern that a vulnerable person maybe being abused, immediate action should be taken. There is a responsibility to protect vulnerable people in order that appropriate agencies can make enquiries and take any necessary action to protect them.
When abuse is suspected there are a number of ways in which suspicion may arise,such as:
∞ An allegation made by a child or adult
∞ A vulnerable person approaches an activity deliverer and makes a disclosure
∞ An employee observes a change in a vulnerable person’s behaviour
∞ An employee or volunteer notices physical damage to the vulnerable person
The person receiving information concerning disclosure should:
∞ React calmly so as not to frighten the vulnerable person
∞ Take what the vulnerable person says seriously, recognising the diffi culties inherent in interpreting what is said by a vulnerable person who has a speech disability and/or difference in language
∞ Say little but give the vulnerable person time to talk
∞ Keep questions to the absolute minimum and ensure that no leading questions are asked
∞ Not make negative comments about the possible abuser or make assumptions
∞ Not make promises or agree to keep secrets
∞ Make a full record of what had been said, heard and/or seen as soon as possible, using Appendix D Safeguarding Reporting Form
∞ Pass the information on to the relevant person, using the flowchart provided, see Appendix E Reporting Concerns
Enable Jersey will store these Safeguarding Reporting Forms securely as a record and these will only be shared with the relevant investigating agencies such as the MultiAgency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Single Point of Referral (SPOR) and/or the police.
These procedures are also outlined in a flowchart in Appendix E ReportingConcerns.
Internal issues should be reported immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and reported in writing within 24 hours. Do not keep a copy of the reporting form for yourself, and do not discuss the matter or show the form to anyone else unless named above. Make sure the form is placed in a sealed envelope marked Confidential. In the event of the DSL not being available contact the Executive Officer (EO).
If you are initially uncertain what to do, the DSL and/or EO will off er advice and support and will discuss concerns with you. You may seek advice from MASH or SPOR. This should not delay a referral being made in the event of potential abuse. If you are concerned about anything relating to the welfare of a child or young person in your care, it is your duty to report it.
Safeguarding matters will not be investigated by Enable Jersey employees or volunteers.
The following circumstances may lead employees, volunteers or service users to suspect that an employee or volunteer is abusing or bullying a vulnerable person:
∞ An allegation is made by a child or adult
∞ An allegation is made by or against an employee or volunteer
∞ A member of staff or volunteer notices inappropriate behaviour or an allegation of abuse is made by another member of staff or volunteer
Where allegations are made concerning a vulnerable person suff ering harm in any of Enable Jersey’s activities, the designated person will report this to MASH or SPOR.
All incidents including allegations of poor practice will be recorded and kept on file in a secure location. Access to these files is controlled. Information should be shared in an appropriate manner and recorded because it may be one of a series of instances that cause concern, thus contributing to a possible pattern of abuse.
Should an allegation of abuse be made against a member of staff or volunteer, the Chairman and/or DSL will be informed and appropriate action taken. In the case of allegations of abuse against children, the Jersey Designated Offi cer (JDO) will be informed.
It is acknowledged that the feelings generated by the allegation that a member of staff or volunteer is, or may be, abusing or bullying a vulnerable person will raise concerns amongst other staff or volunteers. This includes the inherent difficulties in reporting such matters.
Enable assures all staff and volunteers that it will fully support and protect anyone, confidentially, who (without malicious intent), reports his or her concerns about a colleague’s practice or the possibility that a vulnerable person may be being abused or bullied.
Enable Jersey has appointed a Designated Safeguarding Lead to deal with safeguarding issues. The Designed Safeguarding Lead must be informed of situations where they are
unsure if the allegation is one of abuse or not. If they are unclear, they will discuss with the EO.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead will be required to:
∞ Be familiar with safeguarding procedures
∞ Ensure there are eff ective internal procedures to handle concerns
∞ Ensure that systems are in place for eff ective record keeping
∞ Be the link with the Safeguarding Partnership Board on concerns that have been raised
∞ Attend local training as appropriate
Every eff ort should be made to ensure that confi dentiality is maintained for all concerned.
Information should be handled and disseminated on a ‘need to know’ basis only. It must be shared with appropriate agencies to ensure that a vulnerable person is not left unprotected. Decisions as to who needs to be informed should be taken after consultation with the DSL or MASH/SPOR. There are seven golden rules for information sharing:
∞ Remember that the Data Protection Act is not a barrier to sharing information
∞ Be open and honest
∞ Seek advice
∞ Share with consent where appropriate
∞ Consider safety and well being
∞ Be proportionate, relevant, necessary, accurate, timely and secure
∞ Keep a record
Permission will always be sought first before taking any photographs of the children in our care for promotional purposes. Enable Jersey will not disclose the personal details or names of any child or adult in a photographic image without prior written permission.
Information will be stored in a secure place with limited access to designated people in line with Data Protection laws.
Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms or deliberately induces, illness in a child.
Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse eff ects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless and unloved, inadequate, or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being impose on children. These may include interactions that are beyond the child’s developmental capability, as well as overprotection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child from participating in normal social interaction. It may involve seeing or hearing the illtreatment of another, including domestic violence or serious bullying causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse in involved in all types of maltreatment of a child, though it may occur alone.
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, including prostitution whether or not the child is aware of what is happening.
The activities may involve physical contact, include penetrative (e.g. rape, buggery or oral sex) or non-penetrative acts. They may include non-contact activities such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of sexual online images, watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. Neglect may occur during pregnancy as a result of maternal substance misuse. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs.
Once a child is born, neglect may involve a parent or carer failing to:
∞ Provide adequate food, clothing and shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment)
∞ Protection a child from physical harm or danger
∞ Ensure adequate supervision (including the use of inadequate care-givers)
∞ Ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment
The non-accidental infl iction of physical force that results (or could result in) bodilypain, injury or impairment. Examples of physical abuse are hitting, shaking, scalding, misusing medication
This includes threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse and withdrawal from supportive networks. Emotional abuse is behaviour that has a harmful eff ect on the adult at risk’s emotional health and development.
The direct or indirect involvement in sexual activity without consent. Sexual abuse includes rape and indecent assault and indecent exposure. This also includes the involvement of an adult at risk in a sexual activity or relationships, which they cannot understand, or have been coerced into because the other person is in a position of trust, power or authority.
Financial involves the use of a person’s property, assets, income, funds or any other resources without their informed consent or authorisation. It includes theft, fraud, exploitation or undue pressure in connection with making wills or financial transactions and the misuse of a Power of Attorney or Curatorship.
Neglect is the failure of any person who has responsibility for the care of an adult at risk to provide the amount and type of care that a reasonable person would be expected to provide. Behaviours that can lead to neglect include ignoring medical or physical needs, failure to allow access to appropriate health and withholding the necessities of life such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating. This form of abuse may arise in cases where the carer is also an adult at risk. It is then important to respond in such a way to ensure that the carer’s needs are also addressed.
Discriminatory Abuse exists when values, beliefs, or culture result in a misuse of power that denies opportunity to some groups or individuals. It can be a feature of any form of
abuse of an adult at risk, but can also be motivated because of age, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, class, culture, language, and ‘race’ or ethnic origin.
Institutional abuse is the mistreatment, abuse or neglect of an adult at risk by a regime or individuals within settings and services that adults at risk live in or use, that violate
a person’s dignity, resulting in lack of respect for their human rights. Institutional abuse occurs when the routines, systems and regimes of an institution result in poor or
inadequate standards of care and poor practice which aff ects the whole setting and denies, restricts or curtails the dignity, privacy, choice, independence or fulfi lment of adults at risk.
Physical Indicators
∞ Bruises, welts, lacerations, abrasions
∞ Face, lips, gums, mouth, eyes.
∞ Torso, back, buttocks, back of legs
∞ Neck, back of arms, wrists
∞ External genitalia
∞ Clustered, forming regular patterns, teeth marks, hand prints
∞ Same as article used to inflict injury e.g. belt, buckle, fl ex, stick
Unexplained burns
∞ Small circular burns, particularly on the soles of the feet, palms of hand, back of buttocks
∞ Immersion burns, clear line of demarcation
∞ Rope burn on arms, legs, neck or torso
∞ Patterned burns indication a hot object e.g. electric fi re or iron
Unexplained fractures/dislocations
∞ Skull, facial bones, spine
∞ Spiral fractures
∞ Dislocations, particularly shoulders or hips
∞ Multiple fractures in various stages of healing
Behavioural Indicators
∞ Running away
∞ Wary of other adults
∞ Adult believes she/he is bad and deserves punishment
∞ Behaviour extremes, aggressive or withdrawn
∞ Afraid to go home
∞ Reluctant to undress
∞ Inappropriately dressed to hide marks
∞ Fear of physical contact
∞ Speaks of being severely punished
Physical Indicators
∞ Underweight, poor growth pattern, constant hunger
∞ Obese with a history of eating an unhealthy diet
∞ Poor physical hygiene, skin rashes, dirty, thin hair, thickened nails, body odour
∞ Unattended needs e.g. for glasses, dental care, untreated injuries
∞ Fatigue, listlessness, lethargy
∞ Recurrent and persistent minor infections
∞ Frequent attendance at A & E Department
∞ Alcohol/drug/substance abuse
∞ Inappropriate clothing for the weather
∞ Dental problems/squinting
∞ Poor physical presentation- dirty clothing etc
Behavioural Indicators
∞ Tired/lethargic
∞ Begging for or stealing food
∞ Arriving for appointments very early, too late or not turning up at all
∞ Socially challenging behaviour
∞ Anger/Aggression towards others
∞ Self-harm
Physical Indicators
∞ Difficulty walking or sitting
∞ Pain, swelling, itching in genital area
∞ Bruises, bleeding, lacerations of the external genitalia, vaginal or anal areas
∞ Love bites or bite marks
∞ Pain during urination
∞ Pregnancy
∞ Vaginal/penile discharge
∞ Sexually transmitted infection
∞ Recurrent urinary/vaginal infections
∞ Constant sore throats of unknown origin
∞ Genital warts
∞ Allergic skin reaction (to semen)
∞ Torn, blood stained clothing
∞ Eating disorders
∞ Bruises, scratches especially to breasts, buttocks, lower abdomen, thighs
∞ Recurrent abdominal pain/headaches
Behavioural Indicators
Reactions similar to those following any other severe stress including:
∞ Bed wetting
∞ Fears, nightmares, phobias e.g. of the dark or particular places
∞ Running away
∞ Drug/alcohol abuse
∞ Mood swings/personality changes
∞ Depression, anger aggression
∞ Suicidal thoughts
∞ Self-mutilation
Reactions directly related to sexual abuse including:
∞ Sophisticated or unusual sexual knowledge or behaviour
∞ Overtly seductive behaviour or aversion to intimacy
∞ Withdrawal from peers
∞ Prostitution
∞ Extreme mistrust
∞ States he/she is being sexually assaulted
∞ May feel it is his/her fault
∞ Confusion about sexual identity
∞ Sexually abusive behaviour to others
Physical Indicators
∞ Failure to thrive (no organic cause)
∞ Sleep disorders
∞ Psychosomatic complaints e.g. headache, nausea, abdominal pains
∞ Involuntary twitching of muscles especially on the face
∞ Speech disorders
Behavioural Indicators
∞ Hyperactive/disruptive behaviours
∞ Behaviour extremes e.g. withdrawn/aggressive/demanding
∞ Over – adaptive behaviour e.g. too well mannered
∞ Unusually fearful of consequences of actions, often leading to lying
∞ Threatening or attempted suicide
∞ Compulsively clean and neat
∞ Anorexic/bulimic
∞ Low self esteem
∞ Poor peer relationships
Physical Indicators
∞ Bed sores/Pressure sores
∞ Inappropriate restraint (e.g being keptin chair for his/her safety)
∞ Exclusion of adult from excursions/activities etc
∞ Adult denied visitors/social contact
∞ Forced Isolation
∞ Force feeding
Behavioural Indicators
∞ Running away from home/carer
∞ Wary/fearful of staff /carers
∞ Disruptive behaviours such as aggressive/demanding
∞ Increasingly withdrawn
∞ Unusually fearful of consequences of actions/punishment
∞ Tearful/Anxious
Physical Indicators
∞ Problems sleeping
∞ Anxiety/Depression
∞ Not having enough money for necessities such as new clothes, toiletries
∞ Confusion regarding fi nancial aff airs
∞ Inability to pay bills or unexplained shortage of money
∞ Disappearance of valuables
Behavioural Indicators
∞ Anxious and/or depressed
∞ Worried about the future- where he/she will live etc
∞ Change in personality
∞ Stealing/taking things (such as food/ toiletries) from others
∞ Hiding valuables/possessions from others
Physical Indicators
∞ Lack of religious observance
∞ Being left out of activities/opportunities because of age/gender/faith/ethnicity
∞ Lack of privacy/respect
∞ Staff /carers expressing homophobic/ageist/sexist views
Behavioural Indicators
∞ Secretive
∞ Fearful of carers
∞ Over-adaptive behaviour e.g. too well mannered to avoid punishment/exclusion
∞ Threatening or attempted suicide
∞ Depression
∞ Low self esteem
∞ Poor peer relationships (following isolation from others)
The form below should be used to report all safeguarding concerns. It must be:
∞ completed as soon as possible after the event (within 24 hours at the latest)
∞ written in plain language in a style suitable for sharing
∞ factual and accurate (where opinions are given, these must be evidence-based)
∞ non-discriminatory
∞ passed to the designated safeguarding lead for review
Please refer to the guidance notes for completeing the Safeguarding Reporting Form section before submitting.
Data Protection Statement: All information that is collected and held by Enable Jersey is done in accordance with the requirements of the Jersey Data Protection Law. Information provided on this form will be used to help us ensure we understand how we can best give you access to our services and information.
The form must be completed by the employee or volunteer reporting the concern who must ensure each section is completed in full or marked “n/a” where appropriate and that the writing is legible before signing off .
1. Name of employee or volunteer reporting concern: Full name, including middle names and titles where applicable
2. Job title: Insert your job title
3. Date: Insert the date of the report
4. Child/Young Person/Adult At Risk Details: Insert full name, date of birth and gender, if known. Date of Birth is very important in cases where the person may be under 18.
5. Name of parent/guardian: Insert full name if known
6. Address: Insert parent/guardian’s address if known
7. School/Sports Club: Insert details if known
8. GP: Insert name of GP if known
9. Any other professionals involved: Full name, address & contact numbers of any professional agencies involved with the child or family if known, eg Social Workers, The Bridge, etc.
10. Date/Time: Insert the date and time of the incident or the date you became concerned
11. Details of any witnesses to the incident: Include the full names and contactdetails of any witnesses
12. Description of the incident: Details and location of the incident – should be a full and detailed description of what happened.
13. On what evidence/information is your concern based?: detail why you are concerned, include your own observations, assessment or information from others
14. Any other relevant information: include any other information which may be relevant or helpful
MASH: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub that provides a single contact point for members of the public, families or professionals to discuss any safeguarding concerns that they may have about children. Telephone 519000 or 612612 out of office hours or 999 in an emergency.
SPOR: Single Point of Referral that provides a single contact point for members of the public, families or professionals to discuss any safeguarding concerns that they may have about vulnerable adults. Telephone 444440 or 612612 out of office hours or 999 in an emergency.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is responsible for:
∞ Leading on the development and implementation of Enable Jersey’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures
∞ Ensuring that all relevant employees receive local training on the Procedures
∞ Providing advice upon request to any individual / organisation, and recording the details of this advice on a Safeguarding Reporting Form
∞ Leading on the promotion of good safeguarding practice across the organisation.
∞ Ensuring that all Safeguarding Reporting Forms are stored securely and are only made available to others on a ‘need to know’ basis
∞ Arranging for a deputy safeguarding co-ordinator to take over the role when on leave / absent for a substantial period of time
∞ Keeping their Safeguarding knowledge up-to-date and as comprehensive as possible, through attendance at relevant local meetings and training
∞ Acting as the contact for all matters relating to safeguarding, including contact with:
∞ Other Employees
∞ Other Partner Organisations
∞ The General Public
∞ Children’s Services / the Police
∞ Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board
∞ Jersey Designated Offi cer (JDO)
∞ Disseminating relevant information to employees and volunteers, including:
∞ Training Opportunities
∞ Information Gained From Training Attended
∞ Changes To Legislation
∞ New Guidance From The CPSU
∞ Receiving And Acting Upon Any Reported Child Protection Concerns. This includes:
∞ Deciding when to refer to Children’s Services / the Police
∞ Deciding when it is appropriate to share information with other organisations
∞ Seeking advice from Children’s Services, the CPSU as appropriate before making either decision
∞ Ensuring that all of the above follows the procedures outlined in the Jersey Safeguarding Partnership Board’s Procedures
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Claire De Than 07734649977
Executive Officer: Bronwyn Gomes 07797754989
Emergency: 999
Non-Emergency: 01534 612612
The Mutli Agency Safeguarding Hub: 01534 519000 Enquiries: MASH@gov.je
Single Point of Referral Team: 01534 444440 Enquiries: SPOR@health.gov.je
Jersey Designated Officer: 01534 443566 Enquiries: jdo@health.gov.je
NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 www.nspcc.org.uk
ChildLine: 0800 1111 www.childline.org
Disclosure and Barring Service: 01325 953795 www.homeoffice.gov.uk/agencies-public-bodies/dbs/